I tried to do nautical I just can't make it work so we are going with toga I know … sorry
that's a great idea we come in on the 29th will come by :)
hubs is hitting up his guy to get me a new got stify ? hat lol took the luggage down ….paint came in for glow night getting excited
I did buy my paintbrushes for glow night .. so I guess I am getting started lol
I told wes today you know I haven't even started getting my outfits together ..and he says ..we are about 2 months away still ..and I said I know...
pineapple juice and coconut rum to start the day .. screwdrivers are nice .. margaritas with strawberry mixed in weewee shots ( pineapple juice...
ohh I thought you were talking about a bottle I never looked for individual shots … bottle is easier .. the bar will even give you a bunch of...
it is a members upgrade .. crown is one as well I am gonna have a jack and coke slushy as soon as I get in the pool :)
if you are being picked up at the airport a lot of the companies will stop by a liquor store or any store for a fee on the way in now once you...
we always play with it .. last time we came down early and the waitresses did little paint on themselves to get into the party we write things on...
hubs and I got addicted to crema tequila our last trip think we snuck across the street and bought 3 bottles .. vanilla milk shake tasting...
sometimes if your a guy you have to put a tiny little skirt on with no underwear and skip around the skinny pool that's the best one last trip...
we have one like this as well but its pretty big .. we usually only take it to the river when we have multiple people so if you have a group it...
you could ask someone on staff … or if you get a butler ask them if anyone would know it would be one of them
yes smoking is allowed everywhere outside
we leave clothes on a lounge chair with our towel if there is no spot ask someone if you can throw your shoes under their lounge .. we let people...
we are there 8/29 - 9/7
I am gonna start on the 29th of August our first day 29th Thursday -school girl and nerds ..generally a good turnout 30th Friday -white night .....
I always have to tan starting about a month before ..thank goodness you can tan naked in the beds .. or I would keep my top on to we did see a...
we can't nap wouldn't wake up for the party .. we just keep moving lol never did a room crawl ..honestly usually our room is a bit of a mess...