Hi there, Can’t wait either ... ☺️ See you in You May. Drinks for getting to know each other.
See you in May
Happy Birthday Jannet Will booked February next year for Joined Birthday Celebration Have fun!!
See you guys for a short trip May 9thh-13th
It's going to be a long night on the plane but I hope we can get some rest to arrive ready to party that Wednesday see you then.
We arrive Wednesday Morning, we booked our trip since the beginning of the year, but for some reason this last week and days seem to be the...
See there Down to less then 2 weeks
24 more Days omg!!!! This post just made it more real!!! Can not wait to met you all and party... see you then.
Thank You see you guys there.
Thank You
Boob cruse October 6th Check in the 4-11th it's our first Boob cruise expecting the unexpected lol see you guys there!
Booked for October 4th-11th and Boobie Cruse for October 6th can't wait to see you all and have some fun!! ☺️
Booked for Oct. 4th -11th and Boobie Cruse for the Oct. 6th ☺️