11 more days!!! Cant wait to meet all of the Oklahoma group that we are going with,along with all the rest of TTR peeps.
Third trip to TTR! Can't wait!! June 11-16
Dates are set!! We will be there June 11-17!! Third trip to TTR. Can't wait to see some awesome people!
Dates are set. June 11-17!!
Hey there Joshua!! Awesome to hear from you guys.. Andrea and I doing great, we were just talking about about heading back to TTR at the end of...
Look us up at the sexy pool when you get to TTR. We'll have shots:)
We'll be there June 27th - July 4th. Hope to see you at the sexy pool!!
Hi there !! When are you two gonna be at TTR?? Our dates are 6/27-7/4!! We will have to meet up and have a shot! Let the countdown begin!!
We will be there 6/27-7/4. Can't wait !!
Hey there!! Glad your gonna be there on the same dates as a lot of us are.. See you at the sexy pool and Paty o bar. The countdown has begun!!
Thanks for the Friend request!! This group of peeps are gonna have a blast!! Let the count down begin!!!
Hi there, We arrive Saturday June 27. -July 4 we will see you at the pool area. Count down has begun.
We arrive the same day as ya'll. We arrive at 1:00. Any chance we'll meet ya'll in the airport? We can't wait for the 27th to get here!!
Hi there!! Lee & Andrea here.. We are looking forward to meeting you two!! Let the countdown begin its gonna be a blast!!
Hi there.. Lee & Andrea here. Let the countdown begin can't wait to meet you guys. It's gonna be a blast.
Hi there .. Lee & Andrea here. Let the countdown begin can't wait to meet you there!!
Hi guys .. Lee & Andrea here we will be there 6/27-7/4 looking forward to meeting you and having a great time. Let the countdown begin!!
We will be there 6/27 - 7/4. We can't wait! Maybe we can have drinks!!
We'll be there 27th through July 4. Hope to see ya'll there!
Hi there. We look forward to meeting all the people from this site at the times and dates we are there!! This will be our second time this year....