We where on the 17th. Actually didn't take one pic all trip! 5 days. Have great memories though. Had much more fun that way :)
Hey guys, We really enjoyed meeting you all the one day our trips crossed. Hope all is going well and the snow's not getting you too down!...
We are leaving in the morning..... just sayin! sorry to rub it in but can't wait to party!
No us guys are strange like that. But we do like the other option though!
Amen brotha after we kick some a$$. haha. We are there in two days hope to have a great time but on the other hand D-bags piss me off and with...
Can't wait to see the hottest TTR girl (Sam) :) in a few days! Disappointment comes at the worst times sometimes sorry we didn't make it to the...
You could hide in our room but we're leaving the day you get there :( You might see our weepy eyes as your arriving :aktion069: Hope it all...
We are there Thursday! Party on old people ;) Look for us...there's strength in numbers.
Try the internal repellent. Saturate yourself with a tequilla/vodka mixture. Seriously though I think girls are sweeter and tastier since...
One week from now all the cool kids will be stumbling off of it. Just do it :)
Hum, Beautiful ladies sunning their bare backs :) very annoying! Would still help rub it on though...
Awesome! We're both shift workers so no normal sleeps and Vacations are a whole other story, play some Pitt Bull and she'll spring into action ;)
The more the merrier! Is there anyone that can beat the hell out of our door in the morning of the 17th? Sorry. That's kind of a concern due...
[IMG] I bought these last week at Spencers at the mall for about 3 bucks. They where the only thing available, but they where orange :) We're...
Happy Happy Happy!! We are there in 4 at TTR in 5 can't wait. Finally bought the flights back so we won't "have" to stay down there indefinitely...
WOHOOHHHH!!! 5 More days can't wait. Diana can't help with suggestions since we are virgins:(
Thrift shop baby! Maybe not for thongs... Love your clothing suggestions though. Don't get swindled!
That was us ;) Happy for more first timers aboard! Greg & Barby
One week! I didn't smile ;)