Showing your age with that reference. My wife hates when I use it. Lets hope they don't "jump the shark" After this take over and the one in...
Its always one hell of a party ! [ATTACH]
Ah, it should be ok
There is soda and water, cant remember about juices. Bring a bottle for the room as others have stated 3l per person is aloud. Just another note...
Just FYI. If you do that open door thing that people talk about Im coming in to steel you booze nothing else;)
That you will get just be ready for the addiction that comes with it. I dont think there is a week that goes by that goes by the ttr or the boob...
This is one of those on going things that tends to lead to discussions that its best just to sit back watch. Preferably with a adult beverage and...
Ok done packing couple of bottles of rum and were good. [ATTACH]
It got a travel lock, nice. and its ships Amazon prime.
Guess the retirement package isn't much but the perks make it worth while
who makes that one. Wife loves her Lelo but that looks like a upgrade
Anyone know if you have to claim the alcohol you bring in on any paperwork or is it ok in the suitcase?
At times like this I like to put on my Bob Ross wig and paint. [ATTACH] and here we will paint a pretty little tree. Now, isn't that relaxing
Certainly should be standing tall and erect if you can do that. There's no cover, Ill be here all week folks
There about 2.5 in and look better than they do in the photo. I told her she may be getting requests for more. We got them from SugarKitty Couture
If you have a wet beach towel hanging from it you should be standing proud.
Knowing at least one night my wife's outfit is going to require the dreaded pasties so I had these made for something different. They may end up...
Yo each his/her own but I think there is a little too much coverage there.:p
Well time to start panicking about the items for theme night that haven't been delivered yet. Also time to get out the 3 zip lock bags we a lot...
We bought some stuff from Dubio but she hasn't committed to wearing it, of course I have to reminder her she didn't commit to being topless...