Re: eating :wink: hihihihih!!!
:lol: :wink: hihihih!!! good...tank you :)
hi everybody :lol: ..... am travel alone (single) can i take a reservation at any restaurant for one persone ??
check this site :)
lifestyle?? ......when you go at jan?? me single trip my first at temptation at jan21-28 and you??
:cdncat: 21-28 jan :cool:
yÉÉÉ !!! une page en francais!! :lol: ...vraiment contente de voir une page ou je peut parler en francais !! moi jy serais du 21-au 28 Janvier...
i can i go to the casino night whit normal dress or absolute a lingery sexy??? ...sorry my english is bad :?
transport is not free?? ??? the transport at the aiport to go temptation is not includ???
:( :? english is bad !!..... but am going to temptation for my first time to jan 21-28 :lol:
i am going to temptation for my first time at jan-21-28 :lol: speak english just a little bit :? :(