Mine are pretty much a piece of string with nipple covers... yep, they’re teeny tiny bikinis!!!:p
My husband wears them because I love them and think it’s hot... he isn’t a small guy... he’s 6ft and ?210... if us gals can run around topless...
Just looked at this again... omg... men in kilts on my BIRTHDAY!!!!! ... Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!
Thanks for this thread. I love the alternative options... I can’t believe there’s gonna be a room full of men in kilts... I’m gonna faint!
Thanks... I really didn’t wanna go buy stupid looking pjs just to fit in for a night... this one doesn’t really appeal to me either, and I LOVE...
Those are some pretty awesome getups!!! I love to see the men having as much fun with it as the ladies!!! ❤️
So many sexy options to choose from Monday to Sat... but do people really wear silly looking pjs on Sunday???
A drink... or ten... haha! Oh the beauty of all inclusive! ;P Because we are the “cool people”... yay for April babies!
A drink... or ten... haha! Oh the beauty of all inclusive! ;P
It’s my 40th birthday on the 19th... hopfully some of you lovely people can help me celebrate!!!
April 13-22 2 Boobs cruise/for sure!