I am bringing mine that you guys gave me last year for lay day that got washed out
Yeah i need a hair trigger this time not missing out again I thought we were asking steve if he could do one just for us? Alan
And the change from her usual bubba cup morning drink is what? Love you "Mom" you wise ass english "son"
Been that advice from the Uk for a few years now
Ok booked for the 11th to 23rd June and as flying business class may try and nap on the plane out. I am planning on bringing Vodka for the room...
I am going thursday as well and the rain just means we hjave to do more room crawls at night
I will be there then as well
I think it is around 2 pm
And i will be waiting for you as well
Cool i am a V&T boy as well. Lol that made me laugh
I would love to but jet lag will kick in
From an old hand at this just go with it everyone does something to go with the theme but with an individual twist and some one always tries to...
Count me in Spicy
Most Definatly my fellow english singleton I will see you at PAty'os your first night with something that may have booze it in. What is your...
Lol have fun
HAve a look at the themes and do what you can no body will judge you
Tried that many times always fail but then i hae big advantage being single and english i stand out like a sore thumb
I thought i saw a post once that Virgins had to get the roll call drinks on the day they arrive for the number of trips undertaken?
same here except on 13 days