Yeah we had fun doing it. Then let all friends see that are on here
Yeah that's too bad what time is yalls flight home on the 14
Very sexy pics
Got new pics uploaded
Finally got the dress rehearsal pics uploaded
Hey yall we finally got the dress rehearsal pics uploaded please check them out and let us know what you think. And sorry I David had to put pics...
Thanks as you can tell I am really white and don't tan very easy. But David can just think about a tan and be really dark lol
We can't upload the new pics so please tell us how or pm me your cell number and I can text them to...
How many girls spray tan before you guys go to temptation I don't want show up with a fake tan and it was off if you girls know about a tan that...
June 14-20 what about yall
Us too
Why yes I do it won't luck it's self lol
Did you get anymore shows since the last one.
Thanks guys for the help. Ready for the fun in the sun.
Didn't get one yet she wanted to get all of our stuff and then do one. We are going today to get what I think is the last of it lol.
We are considering bring a few adult toys for the trip. But not real sure how to pack them so we don't get busted down in the airport with them...
We will be doing the massage at TTR. We can't wait from the stories we have read on the threads. Glad we got an account on CCC if we wouldn't have...
Our shirts are ordered. Yall be looking for us on the 14th of June sporting our June Junkie t-shirts from DFW via TTR.
Lmao yes
We will be bringing several and we will share the cream and the body lol