Uh Jamie - here in NJ we do that stuff without clothes on. :wink:
Don't usually do this but after reading your post and looking thru Jamie's TR and pictures I guess there are some things that should be said:...
From the looks of your picture, you'd fit right in with all of us "over-chicked" May guys!
Sorry we missed you again this year. We are suffering some major withdrawal right now. :cry: Firm
So - I see by your picture that you guys really did get married. :wink: Good to see you here! Firm
So - you agreed with everything except that the S&M on channel 12 was weird. :wink:
My only complaint is that we traveled from NJ all the way to Cancun, go into the Chinese Restaurant where there are only about 20 people and some...
Jamie - It was great to see you again. Suz and I were very proud of the Cancuncare people that stepped up to help a young couple that became "new"...
One more sleep and we are on our way. :lotsofmichaelf: We lost track of how many trips we've made but it's somewhere around 8. We are so...
Not rude but known to play cruel jokes around April Fools Day. :wink:
I agree the price is pretty expensive. Many of the places I stay on travel offer free wireless including the hotel I'm staying in as I type this....
From South Jersey. 1/2 hour from Ocean City and 45 minutes from Philly
Glad to see you two are still alive. Suz and I missed last year but we will be there this May for a much needed vacation. Firm
I just emailed Temptations regarding wireless availability. I got this response back within 2 hrs - wow! A: IS INTERNET AND WI-FI SERVICE...
Anybody know if they have wireless available yet? Thanks, Firm
I can understand when she says the resort ruined her life. It's ruined mine also. Ever since my first trip there I can't stop thinking about it....
21st is great for us Jamie. We will be there from the 14th-23rd
Tequila :P
That would be great for us since we leave on the 23rd. :bounce3:
We are booked for May 14th- 23rd.