Looks like the quiet pool is the place to be, who knew. Anyone have a hotel map so we can find it next week?
We are in if there is enough people, did one last September it was a blast. We met in Nice shoes around 8 I think.
16 days, according to the countdown app
We like hour quickies
We had a twister game one night between the sport pool and the sexy pool, started out with 10 ppl and lingerie night at 11pm. After the second...
So sad we are going to miss you, have fun baby.
USA transfers all the way, the bus and taxi are cheap enough. Ya know, they are crazy drivers down there but Ive never seen an accident, I still...
Been to the gym a hand full of times, it will help you get going in the morning. Always found it hard to get in there and workout
18 days!!!!!!
Two Septembers ago a girl (new girl)came with our group, she was very religious and was cold shouldering the antics on the first 2 days. She...
You should be ok
Usa transfers
The blue pills work great in a pinch, also agree with a past post, best party drug around. Calias is great also , take longer to take effect but...
Honesty and consideration is key. All parties especially the couple in question should be on the same page. If your not into it or don't agree...
Its almost May, just made the first Target run before we go. Shopping for TTR supplies always gets us excited.
May is going to be a long month with most of you leaving before we get there on the 25th. Please save us some drink and food, and post regular...
Steve , take care. We will miss you when we get there. Hope all goes well.
Cant wait for part 2
The rest of the suits showed up yesterday, waiting on a couple more outfits to get here for her. John got a preview last night. (pic posted). Just...