My 1st time on here in forever & u guys & gals are already getting "Shit" hyped up & ready.. Lol. Too bad we still got a while to go, I hope to...
I hope life is treatin u 2 great, hopefully things will eventually work out to where we can all hang out & party again. :)
Hey Guys I just wanted to let Cha know that I was planning on coming to Dallas for the Final 4 since Ky made it but unfortunately my dog has been...
How about them "Kentucky Wildcats" Baby!! Witchita St sorry, U gotta love March Madness :)
I have Been to TTR By Myself & With Someone, I was actually there by myself in Feb & went on Steve's Cruise & I was the only Single person on the...
Howdy everyone, I decided that I should write my 1st Trip Report after 5 years of not writing one.. Lol. Anyways I'm not going to talk about any...
Nice Trip Report Mrs T, I think it's about time that I post my 1st ever Trip Report Myself. It was good seeing u guys & gals again.
Would anyone be up for another " Magic Mike Night" I unfortunately missed last years Magic Mike Night by a couple of days & thought it sounded...
Lol, "Cry Me A River" My Kentucky Brother, I not once ever doubted you knowing how to put "Your Very Own Personal Dick In A Box From The Y"...
Yes Sir Buddy, U are the man, U found it. That's Exactly what I am talking about but in the Video they actually have their clothes on, and mine...
Alrighty Steve, I was wondering if u could add me Mr Kentucky to the New Feb Roll Call Please... I will be Visiting this Wonderful Place & Get to...
My Other Kentucky Boy Ryan & I will be representing in Cancun For the Big Blue the right way lol... I'm not saying that it is me who Booked the...