Back for number 3..:) We missed last year so we will be back to represent Germany again the 13-23 of Feb. Can't wait! Does anyone have an...
Beer options are kind of limited at TTR, the beer on tap and the beer they stock in your room (2 per day) is DOS EQUIS. It might be better if you...
When we arrived (Feb 16th) Olympus had us out of the airport in about 10 minutes even though we were not on their list. We stopped at 4 hotels...
The vans usually run about $50 a round trip for two people but they are right, TTR is first picked up and last dropped off so you will make a few...
Glad you guys made it back ok...Take care! A&E
Stewie! I need your Email address if you want me to send you the pics from the Boobs Cruise... Anja and Eryn
Sitting at the airport in Frankfurt waiting to board. In 12 hours the party begins!
This should help you out Bud... See ya there! A&E Originally Posted by Tenderloven So here is what have found so far here! Above and beyond...
Last Update Here is the last update before we fly Thursday!!! Originally Posted by Tenderloven So here is what have found so far here! Above...
I am right there with you Roxie, either I took too many nerve agent pills in the war or I have CRS (Can't remember Sh*t) because I never remember...
Wish I had saw this thread earlier, just spent a bunch of Euro's on Toga costumes!....LOL