We will be hitting our stride when you guys arrive, see ya on the 21st...:)
Yeah will go, same for us, not on the 18th... We get there the evening of the 13th how and when do we need to do the Ticket/transportation thing?...
I saw a thread about the daily meeting for CCC members to plan the nightly Shenanigans... Anyone catch when and where that was being held? We...
My Mantra for TTR 2014 Yeah... I have finally settled on my Mantra for this TTR trip.. de·bauch·ery noun : bad or immoral behavior that...
Explor We will be there 13-23rd.....:) We were planning on doing Explore somewhere around the 20th also.. We might have to get a group...
Stephan & Christa, Hopefully we will get there on the 13th, we have a bad connection comming from Germany. Have fun till we get there...:)
Glad you guys got a room, they tend to oversell the resort during Feb. When we went in 2012 we arrived real late 11PM from Germany and they sent...
I was wondering if you were going to make it my brother! The gangs all here...LOL
Wasn't sure if I spelled it right either... I was in the Infantry for a reason!...LOL
Yeah, we are going to have some fun... What's that word I am thinking of.... oh yeah.... debauchary!
18th! Glenn you are the Man!...:) We are going to have some serious fun!
I'm not Eryn LMAO.. We will make sure you get it this year for sure, maybe like Glenn said we can just make you one that says "I'm not Eryn"...
Too sweet....:) Anja said she will bring the supplies again so she can make more...lol
Do you still have it or does Anja have to make you another my brother from another mother?....LMAO
Yeah she is...LOL I posted a picture of Anja wearing her Dirndl (Oktoberfest dress) on our profile, that might give you an idea....:)
Thanks Guys for the help, The big blond one and I are planning to make up for all of the fun we missed last year and we have to get our themes...
Thanks for the FR, we will have to say "Hi" when we get there...:)
Hey Guys, I am back up on our profile.. What do you think about maybe renting the yacht one of the days we are there? Can't wait to see you guys...:)