May 28 --- June 3... Can't wait Always a amazing time at TTR!
Thanks Tony and Lisa.. I will DEF check it out. I know it's going to be a great time. Look forward to running into y'all at the sexy pool..
Hey everybody! Just seeing if anyone will be in paradise these dates. 2 Single awesome and really cool and friendly guys from Va will be there....
It was great meeting yall too!
Tomorrow we touch down at 10:00am and will hopefully be at the Sexy Pool by 11:30!! Cant wait to meet everyone!!
Will be there tomorrow! July 1- 8... Hopefully run into yall around the sexy pool!
Sounds Great! I look forward to meeting yall! Shots For Sure!!
Hello! Your Very Welcome! I will be there July 1 - July 8.... When will yall be there?
Me and A Buddy will be there July 1 - July 8 hope to run into yall! First Timers looking to meet people and have a great time and make new friends!
A couple of Us will be there July 1 -July 8 hope to meet you!
Me and A Buddy of mine will be there July 1 - July 8.... I look forward to meeting everyone and making New Friends and just Having a Blast!
Hello Everyone.. Me and A Buddy of mine will be at Temptations July 1 - July 8.. This will be my First trip there his 2nd.. Just looking to meet...