After this trip, the plan might be to buy one or two things every now & then, and then when it’s trip time, I’ll have everything already.
I had the problem that all the individual pieces started adding up. $10 for this, $15 for that, $5 for this...and then bam, outfit is $50.
I was going to buy a toga-like outfit, but then realized I was spending too much, so I’ll be in white this time around.
I have been tempted to change to an earlier flight, but the change fee would put me over my trip budget. Currently I should land at...
I’ll check them out! I bought the one dress. It doesn’t fit for any Bash themes, so I’ll be a little slutty for dinner at least one...
I think what got me with this workout plan is that I don’t want to just be skinny. I really only have about 5 or so pounds to lose to be at my...
I don’t have a man coming with me, but I think it’d be fun if they dressed up. I say dress up, gentlemen. [IMG] Who’s not turned on? Amirite,...
How nice are we talking? I mostly own work appropriate dresses, so I’m having to buy new (albeit cheap) dresses. Club wear seems to have a big...
Is there a protocol for if you don’t accept the dare? Asking for a friend... :cool:
I made an Amazon wish list with way too much stuff! I forbid myself to buy anything until March. It’s so hard to do!
I just watched a YouTube video saying cardio not needed. Weights only. I’m going to try this plan because I can’t run, and the elliptical is so...
Looks good! I’m having an old stupid tat lasered, and was hoping to have the cover up done by the trip, but doesn’t look like it’ll happen...and...
I registered for April 3 several days ago, but only got the PayPal confirmation.
Things that don’t help: when your coworker was “running late anyway” so they stopped for doughnuts along the way.
Saline bags are heavy, make sure to pack accordingly :cool: Too bad we’re not going at the same time...I used to be great at starting IVs.
Love the sunscreen tip! I always sunblock up before I put on my swimsuit because I have a tendency to miss spots, like side boob to armpit or a...
Wait...lots of salt? This is the opposite of everything I know, but I guess I work with people with health issues... How does the salt help?
I went ahead and registered for the 3rd. Here’s hoping we get a good crew!
I played this for my coworkers yesterday....”Dammit, Jes! Now I’m going to be singing that all day!” :D:cool:
I did “semi-keto” for 2.5 days and lost almost 5lbs! The thirst is life altering, and you’ll pee more than you thought possible. Try to make...