Also keep in mind that these death rate stats don’t include all cases because not everyone is screened. The death rate is probably lower. The...
I’m in Texas, and we have a 2-week quarantine if you travel to certain countries. Right now, Mexico is still okay. Fingers crossed it stays that...
My sister asked where I’m going, and then she knew of the resort I came up with...I need to learn to lie just a little better.
I’m hitting the gym 4-5 times per week. I’ve been bad about a healthy diet, though. Progress is a bit slow, but now that I’m about 3 weeks away,...
I have those on my Amazon list as well! I hope they’re a good substitute.
It comes up in google searches and travel lists as a great place for them. It was always in the top 2-3 resorts for singles every time I was...
I’ve wondered about this. I usually like to sit in a foam noodle in the pool...but how to get one of those in a suitcase...
I’ve started my ordering! Glad I did it ahead of time because one of my Bash outfit ideas hasn’t worked out yet. It will once I find the right...
So. Many. Boxes.
I’m doing 3 nights for my birthday this year, also at end of March, and going to TTR April 1-4. I’ll report back! I wish I could have done...
I’ll look for them when I get there! Just need one :)
I’m not a big drinker during the week, but I need someone to hide the candy bowl on my boss’s desk! She moved to a new office, so I pass by it...
Yup, first trip! I don’t have anything remotely appropriate for the theme nights...and by “appropriate”, I mean not a tshirt & shorts. I saved...
The shopping is real, guys. I’m having too much fun coming up with “outfit” ideas. If this trip is half as fun as shopping for it is...oh man!...
I’ve wondered about this. I don’t want to be a fuddydud, but are you able to just keep your top in your bag? I have a long sleeve swim top that...
For this trip, I’ll say when I leave work. That’ll put my vacation officially starting on my birthday at around 4:00pm :cool:
Oh no!!! That’s awful! Hope they all feel better soon! ...and there’s no flu in April!
Could probably ask in the singles roll call for whatever dates she wants to go.
Down...also, I’ve seen that people “theme” their rooms... I’m don’t think I’d have time to do any “decorating”...No judgement ;)
That’s my first day there. I’ll be down, but I should preface with I paid for the cheapest, non-refundable my room might not be all...