I bought some new workout equipment so that I can workout in my apartment and hopefully not annoy my neighbors too much. I’m starting Wednesday...
We had a video conference at work today led by several MDs. Here is what I took away: 1. This coronavirus is “wimpy,” meaning it can be easily...
Seeing as young, healthy people are dying, I think we can stop pretending it’s only old, decrepit people now. If you want to minimize the impact,...
100%!! The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.
No offense taken! I’ll take the kitten title though :cool:
I’ll be 37 in a week. The cougar joke always makes me laugh because a couple of seasons ago on The Bachelor, a female contestant under 25...
Maybe don’t wear that hat. It’s a little rapey. Not a good vibe.
At what age are we getting the cougar card? Should I get more animal print for my trip :cool:
So, are you referring to your wife as a potluck dish? Women are not your great aunt’s tater tot casserole. I’d make you sleep outside. o_O...
I changed my flight from April to Sept, and got a refund for the price difference. Ended up being close to half the price, I think. I’m also...
Will be there Sept 2-9! Can’t wait!
I just rebooked for September. Here’s hoping 6 months is enough time for travel to be okay. I am social distancing as much as possible, but...
Just booked Sept 2-9 thanks to the pandemic delay.
I am rebooked for September. Decided farther out was better.
I can’t decide if June is safe or if I should just try for Sept. I get worried it’ll book up quickly on the dates I’d like to go.
Well, hi there ;) How you doin?
I’m okay with that! ...as long as he’s not 95... haha!!
Given, I’ve never been, so my thoughts are just from reading this site and seeing the ads...but I agree about the resort maybe trying to change...
For those that have rebooked, how long did it take for a response? I emailed Friday and yesterday.
I’m still waiting on a reply from them about rebooking.