Yeah, we wouldn't have known about it if Jamie hadn't told us. They did announce it once by the pool (that we heard) but it was very quick and...
Sorry man. Though of course, I don't think I remember seeing you guys up that early anyway most days ;)
Seriously... One person I talked to did suggest that if any guy had a fantasy of being with more than one chick at a time (is there any guy who...
Of course, this past week we actually had 42+ single black women (actually closer to 60-70 from what I heard) who were pretty rowdy and ready for...
Thanks for the insights Jamie. Our experience last week was that security was not bad at all. We definitely noticed than we had on our first trip,...
We went to this while we were there last week. Jamie is telling the truth. No sales pitch or agenda, just some really good appetizers, top shelf...
I will give a tip about the watered down drinks tho'... take a big mug to the inside bar in the buffet restaurant in the morning and ask them to...
Yeah, but you're not really going to "Mexico." You're going to a resort in Cancun. If you want real Mexico you can certainly go out and find it -...
I second this. We left $3 the first day with a note that said "Mas agua por favor" and left $2 more every day after that, and by the end of the...
We've never needed pesos for anything in Cancun. Most places take American currency or credit cards. Plus at TTR we personally never even feel the...
Oh I know... I was just bustin' yer balls ;) Actually it did seem like they were having a really good time. We saw them a few times in the...
Curtis? Is that you? Bummer about your leg man :(
Hey Heather, I actually meant to give you and Greg a specific shout-out too. Can't believe I accidentally left it out. It was great meeting you...
I can do you one better. I've got video! PM me your postal address and I'll burn it to a CD and send it to y'all. Oh, and if you or anyone...
There's never any pressure to be topless (full nudity is not allowed except during the games), and there aren't actually that many swingers at...
Just got home from our second trip to TTR two nights ago. I'm going to attempt a trip report, but how do you capture so much fun in just a few...
You know, at first the jack-hammering in the morning was sort of annoying, but after a while it just became more background noise. As for the hot...
It was great meeting you guys Zach and Heidi! Hope you're enjoying the last few days of your vacation.
Great meeting you guys! You were so much fun :)
What a fantastic cruise! Crazy, sexy and wild beyond what I even imagined. Thanks for putting together such a great time Steve. It was good to...