[ATTACH] Booked today.....12/28 - 1/2
Thanks for the insight!
I tried to do some researching to see if any posts were made prior to posting this and I couldn't find anything in reference to New Year's Eve....
Sickness has gotten better but post Temptation depression syndrome has set in ..... we're planning our next trip in hope of treating symptoms.
First week of August
Hell ya....same here. We'd party with y'all anytime. Definitely got to do this again down the road.
[ATTACH] I seriously regret not taking this on our trip.... it's on next time. Just imagine ....
We were there around same time and I was stopped at 4 shots as well....I kinda appreciated this as I was held down, arm twisted, and forced to...
We stayed in 8301 and sleeping was almost impossible from all the noise..not Bash but people yelling, singing, banging, and all around being rude...
Same here..... respiratory infection.
We got back last night and talked about what we're bringing next time... Water proof watch... Small box fan... Energy Mio.... Vitamins......
Temptation is a different animal for us....we were drunk and woke up hungover during the same day then after Bash at night. Between the pool fun,...
Just got back home and will be posting a trip report soon.....
Apple Crown... Cotton Candy Vodka and Mt Dew for her... At TTR...Rum and diet Coke for me... Diet Coke and vanilla vodka for her.. Last time at...
Locked ..stocked..ready to rock...just watching the damn clock. Roll out in the morning......
2 more sleeps......[ATTACH]
5 days.....