So one of our trips we met a couple, stayed out too late and had too much to drink. We wound up in the sports pool at 4 in the morning naked. We...
Completely agree, wish Temptation was couples only.
I have to agree with spring break. Our two trips before were more laid back, maybe 40% of the women topless, not much participation. Spring break...
We've done both resorts 3 times each. The party was always better at temptation, but it's definitely more wild (sexually) at desire. Our choice...
Three times. Met two of our closest friends on the first and two more of our closest friends on the second. The third trip we all went together!
How about this? We only want one chair to put our stuff on so nobody takes it. We would probably never actually lay on it. What do you guys think...
BTW, there's a very easy trick to get a VIP wrist band that won't cost you a dime. Last three trips it worked for us.
Our service works down there and we still have unlimited, never needed it.
Sorry, didn't realize it was a hot topic. Single guys are a pain in ass, pictures by the pool are only a problem when it's not couples taking...
We've been there numerous times and we always found the summer months to be the "wildest", but that's just our experience.
Last trip report just complained about the chairs and every time we've been there it was an issue even after they added the new section.
Since this resort as well as many have this problem, why don't they just extend the patio and add more chairs? I mean there is enough room to do...
Isn't the whole point of this place to have fun without being judged? If somebody can't handle it then they're in the wrong place, not you!
We stayed in a jacuzzi room once. Our only view was the quiet pool. If you ask me it was totally worth it. There are screens that roll down so you...
The 4am skinny dip at the sports pool! Thought we were being wild until there was 20 other people with us doing the same thing.:huh:
The last time we were there several women dancing topless in patios and nobody said anything. Actually our wives took their tops off several times...
Sorry guys. Due to our friends having a serious family medical emergency we had to cancel. Post a review so we know how it was.
Be there on the 9th
You're not just going to say it out loud, you're going to yell it before you jump in the pool for the first time. For your sake I hope there's...