I hope you guys have a blast! I wish we were going.
I have been wanting to call you guys just tp say hi. My phone bit the dirt so i lost my contacts. Give me a call.
Oh wow!!! We are planning on taking a cruise ts winter and defiantly going back to ttr next summer. We are so jealous that you get to go back so...
Would July work any better or are ya just doing the one? I bet Disney will be a blast with your daughter .We ain't never been .
We are thinking around June. Would that work for you guys ?
Well, tell me about it. Was it worth the move? I hope our paths cross again sometime.
We are ready to go back! It was great meeting you guys. And I have tp say a big thank you for those words of persuasion. Lol
Super glad we got to meet you guys. Just wanted to say thank you for all the work you done to help make theme nights a success. They were AWESOME!!!
It was a blast!! We too hope our paths will cross again because we WILL be back! You guys take care and keep in touch.
Show Me Missouri !!!!!
We just got back and I must say, Theme Nite Rocked! Grant it, it was mostly ccc members participating but that was awesome! I saw my wife turn...
You bet. Hope younz did too. I sent you a pm. Hope you got it.
Well I must say, THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!! The people! The food! The cruise! The whole atmosphere! Cant wait to return!!!
So sorry to hear that. Get well soon.
Looking forward to it.
One More Day Baby!!!!!! Oh Yeah!!!!!
See ya Friday!!!
By the way.... I'm the fat one and she is the hot red head by my side.
Well, we are down to 6 days now and the excitement just keeps growing! I finally got a pic loaded. Look forward to meeting everyone. And I look...
Kinda like that old Europe song .... "It's the Final Count Down"