Will u be joining us on the boobs cruise on the 30th?
Awesome!!!!! We are going to have a blast!!!
Typical Resort Nights: Monday - Hot Batucada Parade - Dress Code: Dress As You Wish. Tuesday - (Mexican Independence Day) Party like a Rockstar! -...
Thanks for the request!You'll be joining our party???? Can't wait!!!
Holy shit!!!!!!30 days!!!! I want some spiked gummy bears!! Who's sharing??
Glad you're gonna join us!!! There are about 24 in our group and this cruise is gonna be off the hook!!
Forgot to mention that Steve has a thread on here regarding "tentative" dates for boobs cruise. If you think you'll be signing up for a cruise on...
:bootyshake:38 days!!!! Arriving Sept 26th!
hi guys! I remember your names from last year at this time. We are going again sept 26 - Oct 4th! Are you going on the cruise on Sept 30th?
Cancuncare Boobs Cruise
Watch the forum for a post regarding the September 30th cruise. they usually post that it is open 30 days prior, so be watching for it around...
You've picked a great week! JIm and I will be there with about 11 other couples. And the cruise on Sept 30th is going to be insane! Hope you're...
Get well soon, Melissa!!!
Have you decided on the boobs cruise for the 30th?? Hope so!!!!
We'll be there September 26-October 4. Our group of 24 crazy ass ppl crosses over both "month" groups! We'll all be doing the boobs cruise on the...
Can we please just go now???? I can't wait another month!!!
Nope. Arriving the 26
Donna and Tim; Our group on the 30th so far includes these cancuncare members me ( Jim*n*Sherry) dsviera Canadian Sweetheart Aguy6708 and...
Waiting for Chris and Alicia to holler! (They're in for the 30th!)