alex and Jamie, when are you arriving? I know you've told me, but I've forgotten. Looking forward to meeting you!
Counting the days!!! Hope we have great weather for our cruise... Or enough booze that I don't notice if we don't!
I'm sure I missed a few names! Sorry!
11 days to go! I think I got all my newbie questions answered from you amazing people! The end of September crowd is going to be awesome! Andrea,...
Hi guys! Just checking in... 14 days and counting!!! I saw you joined our side group, but please remind me... What are your names? I can't go...
hi guys! what are your dates? We'll be there the 27th thru the 4th. Looking forward to having fun with all the great friends we've made on here so...
welcome tim/Jenn!
37!!!! And I was worried! Bah!
It's going to be hard for me to remember all the names of the great folks I've met on here. I'm terrible at names!! Not to mention, it's going to...
The End of September crowd is getting bigger!!!! And we 're up to 33 on the cruise! 18 days ....!!!!!
Tedsdelights! those are our dates also! See you at the sexy pool!
18 days, 22 hrs, 8 minutes, 29 seconds till our flight leaves! but heh, who's counting?
What kinds of alcohol are served on the cruise? Obviously, tequila, but if I plan on making and KEEPING any friends, I should probably choose...
Stole that from Ryan and Kristen on the other thread... To good to pass up!