Don't get me wrong... I love temptation and am at all ashamed of it! However, I have Very conservative, elderly parents, young kids as well as a...
"At it" here means up to no good, in a variety of contexts.... So, if my hubby is out and even talks to a woman, he must be having an affair.......
Living in a conservative, rural area in Scotland, where Cancun is becoming popular..... We are being asked what hotel you are going to..... Up...
Lol.....Lol..... cancun is becoming very popular in our rural town in Scotland!!! As its our third time there now, it is becoming increasingly...
I guess if you get the right group in there, the hot tub will get HOT!!! LOL.... I have been to Temptation - Love It! But sorry, Desire is not...
I wouldn't class myself as an exhibitionist, however, I tend to dress for what suits me! What I absolutely love most about temptation is not...
I'm sorry, but the massage is not for me.... However.... I think I might book the photo shoot as a Christmas Prezzie for the hubby this year!!!
Thank you for your replies! We have a stack of pesos leftover from two years ago, so I guess that made it a cert we would be back! lol.... I...
I guess it must depend on the group that is there when you are mainly.... 1 My husband usually dresses up for theme nights as well as me....
I have pesos left over from our last trip and am trying to remember how much I need for tipping to know how much I still need to get! In pesos...
Have you tried using someone outside Canada or US to check prices? We checked the UK for someone today and it was significantly cheaper to book...
Postie definitely reeling now as I realise I really need to do my Christmas shopping for three kids before I go ! LOL....
We'll be there then too.... same flight as Will n Roz it seems!
Dates - 26th Nov to 3rd Dec Numbers - 2 Boobs Cruise - Of Course!!!
Holiday finally booked - Check! Theme outfits all bought - Check!! Bikinis bought - Check!!! Enough belly rings bought for more than one per...
We're debating about doing both but definitely the 27th.
Dates: 26th Nov - 3rd Dec No. In Group - 2 Boobs Cruise - Yes
Ps, just to clarify, I am not normally on the pill, just use it for holidays to delay things if necessary. I suspect this is also the case with...
I took it the last two times at temptation. From what I recall, you just take it before due until the end of your holiday. No side effects that...