I think you may be the first person who has tried it and was not big on it, and I like to share my delicious recipe still, sharing is caring ;)
I was thinking along the same lines as your suggestion Kells, maybe not the fishnet tank top, does Brent have his Richard Simmons outfit already?...
Spicy, sometimes horseradish, definatley Worcester sauce and pickled asparagus skip the celery, and dash of steak spice. And if you feel...
Sounds like you have the first trip planned & figured out. We are newbies as well and will be learning all about the body shot protocols in Feb, I...
It is definately a Canadian thing, but as Bambers says delicious and best way to start your morning and fix that hang over. I prefer my ceasers...
And I happen to do some work as an instructor so it's only fitting that I be a teacher and providing some grading and if needed discipline for...
I like this reverse grading not only for the descriptions by RnJ but for the fact that the bad/naughty girls are going for the Ds & Fs as opposed...
Heres another one [ame=[media]&feature=fvwp&NR=1]R.I.O. feat. Nicco - Party Shaker (Official Video HD) - YouTube
Hello Islandyoung Couple, are you two joining the week 8 fun & shenanigans? It will be our first time at TTR in Feb, looking forward to it!! There...
How many ladies can teach us how to dougie?? [ame=[media]]Cali Swag District - Teach Me How To Dougie (Official Video) - YouTube
Join the party, now how come it can't be the opposite and something like this; 3 young Welsh (wo)men on their first holiday to ttr and going 3rd...
Ah, week 8 is mid Feb not Jan! lol Sounds like you like our kinda fun.... Innocently naughty fun! ;)
now that christmas shopping is done... time to work on the list for week 8 shenanigans and debauchery!
I think it would all depend how close your partner is to the friend... ;)
Gotta work on my tight & bright outfit! Any suggestions?
Awesome trip report, thanks for sharing and sounds like you had a great time. Looking forward to our first trip in Feb. 13, and your rules only...
Yes suspenders for trouser for us, not an English thing? Ah you mean "garters" for holding up stockings... Sans shirt on a woman is a nice...
I think Magic Mike had the same story line quality of showgirls. A surprise movie for me was "Warrior" actually well done and I'm not even big...
Haha you caught the Eiffel tower one too lol
That's awesome RnJ, I was not sure about wearing too much gear but thinking bow tie, suspenders sans shirt, dress pants and maybe throw in a white...