Hope to see everyone for a drink tomorrow. Or 2 maybe
Just got done with work. Hope to see you tomorrow. Did he let you pack yet??
One more day of work
After we watch the Bills win tonight against the Jets, we have 1 more day of work and then fly out at 6 a.m. To bad Dennis and Erica won't be...
Mere, We packed last night except for a couple last minute things. Were you aloud to finish packing?? Weather is atrting to look better for our stay.
Mere, we packed last night except for a couple last minute things. Were you aloud to finish packing?? Weather is starting to look better for our stay.
Last trip was 10 days. We thought a day break at the isle would let our livers rest. The Isle was great but no rest for the liver.
Yes aiming fluid. We can play cornhole a couple different ways!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick what do you mean 3rd grade kickball. We still play on an adults drinking league. Never grow up!!!
Sandy my birthday is also the 28th. could be trouble!!!
I believe all the 3000 are
One week from today we'll be flying. 39 degrees in Buffalo today. Look forward to meeting you.
One week from today!!! Hope hubby let you start packing. Hope the rain holds out. 39 degrees in Buffalo today
I agree with dikfore. It's not a tour, just a mode of transportation. Just walk out the resort, turn left and walk to the ferry. Also look for a...
cheap isn't always good. sometimes you have to stop at all the other resorts dropping off people. We go directly to our resort. your welcome to...
I think it was 70.00 round trip. We book it through premier and it's a private bus. Your welcome to ride with us if you don't mind sitting a half...
we get their the 24th, always looking forward to meeting new people, be happy to show you around
tell hubby to let you start packing or you might forget some sexy dresses for evening wear. take vitamins and build up your immune system. Alcohol...
We arrive on the 24th also. We get in at 11:30 and already have a shuttle booked if you need a ride
Weekly countdown. 2 weeks. Getting excited? all packed?. Weather looks a little rainy, hope it clears up or we"ll be drinking inside.