We are excited for January!! All booked for Jan 11-20th and one of our single female friends is going to join us the 14th-19th... any ladies...
We are booked for January 11 - 20th!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee let the white wine be better!!!!!! Don't get me wrong- after a few shots of other stuff the wine got better tasting- but damn...
The countdown is ONNNN!!!The 4th can't come soon enough
1/8/16 Boobs Cruise! Woot! Count the 2 of us IN for the 8th!!! :aktion031::lotsofmichaelfs::aktion031:
Counting doooooooooown!!!!!! January can't come soon enough!! Can't wait to soak up the Mexican SUN from the 2-13th :beer4:
TTR 4-13th - can't wait! We will be arriving in Cancun the 2nd and staying at TTR the 4th-13th!! Our third trip together! Adam's 4th!!...
I hear ya! I've been sick most of this week and hoping Adam doesn't catch it before we go...
no beer ;( Been 3 times, never offered any drinks at check in sadly...
Soo close!!!!! Just 7 more work days....not that i'm counting or anything <kicks dirt>
There's a NEW boat for January right?!!? I remember Steve mentioning it and wanted to check out the pics! Anyone know where they are?
Counting down! Can't wait! Only 17 more days!!! :aetsch004::aetsch004: