Steve, is that all you need (where's my piggy bank)....ummm is that in pesos?
Of course ....the force is strong with this one :headbanger:
Think we can make the end of May ....the time to stay....
Ours is a combination of where she is from....they call it Btown and mine comes from Star Wars....someone said I made Darth Vader look like a...
Absolutely, positively LOVING the group that is forming for May! Looking forwarding to seeing our old friends and meeting lots of NEW! May...
We will be there May 24-30, maybe we'll get to meet!
This is what I took....lots of rum and ice in it 4 drinks a day
Its the best thing you can do ....but it becomes addicting. 1 Steve cruise, then another and you are hooked. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will be there May 24-30, look us up!
My favorite was the "Cheeky Monkey". Not sure what all was in it but I am pretty sure it was the most amazing thing I have ever had. Our friends...
Have to agree with going with Alpharooms. We booked a week for May and couldn't beat the price anywhere. The credit card thing was a bit of a...
You already know we will be there!
May addicts! We will be there May 24-30th!!
We used some frequent flyer miles to get where Spirit Air flew and used Alpharooms for the rooms. Saved over $1300 for the entire trip this year...
We will be there May 24 - 30th....and a cruise is ALWAYS in order with Steve
Well worth it...had fun last time.....will have more the next time
Can't wait for May
May addicts! I think we have finally agreed on some dates, now to find the best deal! Our dates are May 24-31st. Can anyone give us any...
Had a 52oz Bubba and it was always filled with a drink and ice....never had a problem. Also filled it up with water at the start of the day. I...