We just booked our 8th trip. Jan 25th to Feb 2nd.
John Patyo's got new tile very nice that's all I saw different July 4-14
There is a cage like a big dog pen six foot high, chain link fence with four foot banners around it you couldn't see in. There July 5-14
We were there two times for foam night. Didn't care for it not much dancing because floor was wet and slick, cage took up most of the dance floor.
I would like to say I am sorry for saying July 8 crew wasn't EXICTED was the wildest cruise we have ever been on.
Were in, at least four people are excited !!
I wonder if anyone is EXCITED about this BOOBS cruise, no chatter going on ???? I wouldn't wont to go with people who weren't excited.
Don't Go I just tell them Im not going, just grab my bags and start to my room,
Six time for us I cant drink Dr orders still have a blast,and remember every thing!
:huepfen013:Rob & Candy and Dave & Lisa we had a blast last jan. Carol is going to retire jan 23 she said your supposed to work the last day of...
Jen that is funny we tell friends we go to the Riu !!!
We have used alpharooms two times and Travel Republic the last two times also July 5-14
July 5-14 for us
I am 60 wife is 59 Looking foward to seventh time in July.
Just got home A Lady with white fish net dress very short and nothing else on,
Two more sleeps, four hundred acres of wheat to fertlize, flight at 7.40 saturday morn. Sexy pool by one pm
From Northeast Texas up by the Red River,be there in 10 days!!!!!
Clothing- Less is always better!!!!
Dave yall need to sign up for the boobs cruise. I didnt relise that was Mike and D with out his black eye.
2 deposits made, and we are ready to sail