I ( ANDY ) would just like to feel some with implants, my bucket list!
We are booked for 9th time, July 10-19 Carol and Andy
Have yall been getting much bad weather, hope yall had a great trip. Please send address Carol would like to send Chelsea her cover before next...
Nicole you were great in Iron Woman contest. You were the last bear butt I saw before going home!!!!!!
On our way see you at the sexy pool at lunch !!!!
:lotsofmichaelfs:It's 2:15 am leaving for the airport in 30 minutes!!!! See you at the sexy pool at lunch.
Only Three more days till we sail
sure I have a quite a stock of them over the years.
breezesfan may wife is the same age as yall as of today her birthday, am 61 but we love going to TTR, 7th time Saturday and we talk about going to...
Mary Ann !
:mad:OK Chris Andy and Carol or signed up, hope it is not a boring boat ride?
We get there at 10:20 am but we are closer to start with!
We say the Riu.
That's not good your leaving the day we get there!
Happy New Years
Just my luck yall leave the day we get there 1/25/14. Fantastic pictures nothing as pretty as a pretty redhead.
We will miss yall we are there 1/25 2/2/14 Andy and Carol
We always tell our family we stay there, but never have!
:clappyinghappy:Dudley I meet yall last year, your wife didn't look like Ms Piggy in her swimsuit!!!
Wife likes body central in dallas, also Express (Remember LESS is MORE)