I know this one has been started a time or two, but haven't seen anything for awhile. Now that it's been open for a bit, does anyone have any...
You bring whatever, I'm good. I'll try to hook you up with the ranchers, twizzlers, and Hershey :-)
The grey becomes so monotonous, it's a killer...needs some nice BLUE water, GREEN palm trees, and PINK skin from too much sun :-):aktion033: Oh...
I'll try to hook you up with some Twizzlers- Kim won't let me eat them, she hates the smell :-)
9 more wake ups....I like the Tigger analogy....internally, feel the same way. Externally, I'm more like a grumpy bear, ready to be gone. -10...
I hope this was typed by Mel and not Rick...lol
See you next Saturday- get the weather nice and hot before we get there :aktion033:
Would like to, but too many land leggers in our group. We'll hold down the sexy pool on the 20th.
I'm in!!
It always looks good compared to here ;-) :lotsofmichaelfs:
I"m ready to just go to the airport today- going to be a long week next week at work, lol
Is Mel a Nurse too? lol 10 days....:mnm:
Add another to the group- should be a good week. Get a pic up so everyone will know who you are. 11 days...ahhh
Ditto :icon_mrgreen:
We are one Saturday behind you. And luckily, only one more Monday- but I'd take being there this Saturday, too!
It was a downright balmy -1 with a -25 wind chill here this morning....guess I shouldn't complain lol
I don't know if anyone's mentioned it, but I'm sick and tired of the cold weather. Ready for some sun and sand.
Yes, you can have a drink with us :aktion030: Google translate is awesome ;-)
Do we just shout "Parlez vous"? :aktion033:
We are usually there over Valentine's but a week later this year. We probably saw you then. :daveandmo: