Boobs/Baseball, Boobs/Baseball, Boobs/Baseball... Boobs win out, but gotta take a break every know an then!
Wondering the same thing. Thanks for asking! Go Astros!
Signed up on the 27th for our 1st cruise! Getting excited! Looking forward to starting our trip off right and making some new friends! 4 days!
We'll be there this time next week! Getting excited! Looking forward to meeting new friends!
Fireball at the fire station tomorrow night on my last shift b/f we go probably isn't the best idea...I'll make up for next week though! We'll be...
Our 2nd trip 10/26-11/4. We're getting excited! Labor Day week 2016 was great, sounds like HnH week is going to be crazy fun. Looking forward to...
We'll be there Oct 26- Nov 4. Our 2nd trip. Looking forward to meeting some new people & seeing what Halloween at Temptations is all about!
October 26th - November 4th / Our 2nd trip Party of 2 Boobs Cruise: Yes
Booked Sept 6-16! 2nd trip to TTR. Looking forward to getting away for 10 days with my beautiful wife and everyone on this forum! 1st trip-...
Thanks for the invitation. Other than a quick trip in Feb for our anniversary, we're filled up with our kids activities from about now through mid...
I would love that! Put us down for 2 please!
1st time September 3-10