Welcome to the party, we will see you at the sexy pool. Stop by and say hello and have a drink or ten....:aktion033:
52 more days and May just can't get here soon enough!!!!!!
Best wishes to you Chinos and see you soon!!!! You got this..(.)v(.)
Hello Patrick and Kathy, I will try my best to answer your questions. The dress code is the women dress as sexy as they want at night and the men...
Hey, just to show you how nice we are we will take care of your meals too...
Welcome to the May maddness. You picked a great time to go,now if you can put your picture up so we will know that you bought that round of...
Dam thats sexy!!! and Happy Birthday!!!
Bob you are so sweet... Are you and kay coming down in may??
Welcome Ty&Erin to the Family. Maybe I missed your dates so maybe you would like tell us when you are going to get there so we can have your...
Smoking Hot pic and yes you got my vote and good luck.
Same here can't wait:flash:
Vote in and good luck
Not sure I would rent a car there. Have you ever seen those people drive?:biggrinbandit:
We booked this trip 5/3 thru 5/11 with orbitz and it was $2331.00 for the two of us when I booked it at the first of January. I looked at it today...
For sure Vic, we can't wait to see you amd Tammy.!!! Maybe we will get a boob cruise in this yr..
It would be my b-day on the 4th j3 steve Thanks!!
Thanks jamie for putting this togeather and keeping us informed also there might be a b-day party on the 4th jus saynn:partytime:
Glad you got the picture up now I know who drinks we are taken care of . ha ha!! Great looking couple to, we love the smokies also very lucky to...
Welcome to the madness. You picked a great week to go. Just to show you how friendly we are we will get the first days drinks for you. Also if you...
90 more days to go !!!!!! Setting here looking out the door watching it snow and wishing i was setting at the swin-up bar with a drink in my hand...