You will be the first person I look for if they try... Thank you so much for your selfless offer to spare us the horror of Desire! LOL
Well I guess I will have to just throw myself a tantrum if they try to bump us. LOL I know hubby is firmly against it. I wouldnt mind 1 day too...
IF the bump would happen to us on the 18th, what do we do about the BC on the 19th?
Hubby has both and I love them. Cant imagine him not having them.
18th for us too! We hope to be there by about 2:30... See ya at the pool for drinks! Just look for the big guy with long white hair and grab us!
I wish I could nap but I cant. My secret is not to eat much at dinner. If I eat after a big day of drinking, it makes me sleepy and I am down for...
I was just kidding sweets! I will for sure look you up the night of the 19th but after the boobs cruise that day, I am not promising anything...LOL
Will he be wearing them at the pool the afternoon we arrive? LOL
Keep an eye out for the big guy with white hair and grab us!!!
That is actually a great idea if you could figure out how to keep everyone else from ringing it for the hell of it! It would be easy to find...
I know the odds are against it but I thought I would check as it would make the layover, lines and flight so much more fun....
Anyone happen to be flying out of DFW the morning of the 18th? Would be fun to start the party early with our layover....We arrive in Dallas at...
Yes... Even spitting on someone in the US is assault...
Ya, I am a little fearful myself! LOL Of all the months, it is looking like we picked the craziest! (said in the nicest possible way) But if I am...
I guess that would be us. April 18-23 Never been to TTR and first boobs cruize April 19th. So two cherries to pop...
I actually tried to get our vaca as a tax deduction! LOL Hubby has RA and the weather there gives him a nice break from the pain...(the crown...
Those were individual! LOL They just stuck 1 lash to about 3 of mine and used too much glue...LOL
Apr 18-23 5 nights out of Tulsa flight room, ins and taxes right at $1950. Seems kinda high after reading some others. Hubbys boss is a member and...
4. I will trade a floatie for a bunch of great friends anyday!
Sounds great! We have never been to TTR so it will be nice to have some 'friends' waiting! Just keep an eye out for the big guy with long white hair!