Yes I have been duped by the same couple in Walmart- but asking for 50 pesos to buy a phone card to call home re a westren union transfer. They...
Stay at Villas Ambiance or the Presidente.Turn left when facing the sea and walk for 2 minutes and you will find a beach with nobody on it.! Its...
No Sam the 4000 a month does not include the joining fee. Tracey x
Sam I know they are open to bargaining at Casablanca- as it makes me slightly mad when I hear how much less people are paying than me. They cannot...
Mat its my 2nd home- I play tennis there every day.Group classes are included in membership price as are swimming lessons, various fitness...
Mat our family membership(up to 5 people) costs 4035 pesos a month. You cannot just buy the "Gym" membership- its all or nothing. I know...
I have just returned from a fabulous 6 days in Chiapas.Since arriving in Mexico Chiapas was on my "to do" list, however the distance has always...
Fees at IAS have increased. We have 2 kids and pay just over 11,000 pesos a month for school fees. The inscription was more than a months fees,...
I just want to say school fees are expensive here! So families thinking of moving here need to take that into consideration. Tracey
Have a great day Tracey x
I am also loving it ! Tracey
Kim park over in Pok to Pok then just walk across the gollf course to Tortugas. I have 2 tournament finals to play today so will not be able to...
We have checked and all the hotels in Chichen are full that night but there seemed to be availability in Valladolid.Much easier to drive to than...
We just had our FM3s renewed within 7 days of applying.No bribes, no lawyers, no hassles.................amazing. Tracey
Happy Birthday love from all of us. xxxxx
Found them- Ticketmaster. Tickets start from 500 pesos. Tracey
Does anyone know how/where to get tickets for this event. I think its saturday 31st October.? Thanks Tracey
Martinair is doing offers right now.! try them Tracey
The handling agent for First Choice is Hotel Beds- located on Tulum Ave- just before the tunnel. Sorry I do not have the phone number Tracey
Sorry Mixz but we have found time and time again- we do get quoted different prices for everything.My husband speaks fabulous spanish but I guess...