Fabulous news- congratulations to all of you. Tracey & Family x
I went and helped do some packing for the red cross today and asked the director what items they needed most. Her reply was baby food and medical...
I made a donation to doctorswithoutborders on line- very easy! www.doctorswithoutborders.org every little helps. Tracey
Ahh ,........sorry the date was changed to Monday and it went ahead. My husband played and said he met some great people from various cricketing...
I don't care about the font -I think your content is heartfelt and spot on. Welcome. Tracey
Tickets start at 500 pesos, then 1000, 2000, 3000 and then 5000. Tickets in Platinum area are 10,000 !!!! We bought our tickets today at Mixup in...
Elton John will be performing at Chichen Itza on Saturday 3rd April. Tickets are available through ticketmaster. Not cheap! Enjoy Tracey x:musik026:
Steve I would sen you a pm but status says inbox full and although I have tried to delete all my messages it won't do it! Help Tracey x
Take Spanish lessons before you arrive and if planning to work do your homework re immigration. Try to make friends as soon as you arrive . Be...
Matt its next thursday evening. Give Ged a call if interested. I could provide cucumber sandwiches.
anyone interested in a game ? The British consulate is trying to organise a team. Thanks Tracey
Poor guy- this has been covered on the BBC and extensively on facebook. The guy who needs the blood is a student from the Uk studying spanish in...
Sears has a Pier 1 concession. Candles are expensive there. Good luck with your move Tracey
I read the title as "Calling all curvy lovers!" Curry will be a good replacement though. Traxey x
Barrio Rats ! - nice comment.Actually its making my blood boil.To imply you would shoot them is even more distasteful. Tracey
Oh Kathy- "I bonked so hard" has a very different meaning in the UK.! lol. Tracey
Shocked ! How stupid can some people be? Tracey
She could join this forum. Go to a dance class, spanish class, join a gym. Tracey
They are native to the East Pacific and Oceana. There is a theory that these have escaped from an aquarium and have multiplied rapidly. There are...
These beautiful fish are not native to these shores but have been spotted numerous times lately. They have beautiful spikes which are venemous and...