Don't matter the JAYS are going to win the whole thing!!
Like show and tell or scratch and sniff:confused:
Such a majestic creature, could watch them all day
Gone are the days of the chia pet I hope
A love hate relationship, sometimes the best kind..haha not so much if it's the hate side though although there always is the drunk, angry bed...
Funny how whiskey has that effect on so many people. Thank god I'm the opposite. Whiskey to me is like silk angles pissing on my tongue!!!
This is like sitting in a field of crickets tonight
It's a natural energy drink. Comes in power form in tubes. Dump the tube into a normal size water bottle and shake. ( drink a little water first...
Sounds like you have the right outlook and being positive. That's most important for recovery! Keep positive cause your right it could always be...
Idea for a halloween costume........more popular than santa!!!
Sorry to hear about the bad news. Never wish for anything like that. We book everything with or credit cards as there's built in insurance for...
That's not right at all. Not a way to enjoy a vacation always looking over your shoulder
How about assless chaps?
Devils advocate, so if a guy were to wear a kilt instead of shorts to dinner that's ok? Hell I have seen multiply wedding pictures of the groom...
Ah says no sport shorts, so dress shorts is ok I'm guessing
So how was the trip? As good as you remembered or can you remember. ...haha
We were watching it as well and drinking Jack Daniels fire
I received the cup in the effort to get me drunk. The Mrs went away unscathed. Lucky enough not to receive the stamp. The guy who did took it...
I knew what you meant, was playing along, nothing more. Don't need to paint the wrong picture.
Just booked for 2! The slut cup drinker returns!!