This maybe an off the wall idea, and not even sure how one would go about it. On the topic of the HnH logo, what about a temp tattoo of that?
Really? You two sneakin around doing stuff.... no I don't believe that for a second
A lot of the HnH crew from last year might remember I got a tattoo on Halloween afternoon from Miguel. I asked a lot of questions before hand,...
If HnH week is your first you'll have a great time. Great group to start off with for sure. We did it last year and just waiting on this oil...
Hello! How's it going?
I know the wife would be all for that
May as well let this out as many that have met us know this story already. So in 2009 I went went to the DR with ball team to play in a ball...
Mexico is way different than the Dominican. The first trip to the DR I was shocked by what I saw and what the people I went with were taking. We...
You guys headed back this year
Cause ya get the munchies and time to do much else.....
I bet he was on a 12 step program when he got back to reality! Funny he didn't introduce himself as uncle Charlie
We are really hoping to make it back to HnH this year. Last year was a blast. Living in Alberta and working in the oil and gas makes it pretty had...
Not enough!! I met a gentleman I believe was last April who stayed at ttr for a complete month! This would even put my liver to the test
Correct me if I'm wrong but no good or great stories ever started with....... so I was having a glass of water and a salad!
Hey guys hope you had a great Christmas and all the best in 2016!!
One of these years we'll do a warm beach holiday! Hope you guys have a great time. Have you done ttr nye before?
Yes sir that's right! Unfortunately no we can't make New Year's. Wish we could. You guys are?
That's awesome! Great work
Yes we did one afternoon in the "hot tub"
Wife booked on her ipad for us for HnH week