Hopefully, we will have met everyone at the sexy pool before the crawl... but if all else fails, everyone meet by the cabanas in front of the...
So jealous of the people leaving now BUT at least we hit single digits today!!! 9 more days until we're migrating South for a week of sexy fun!
Cool! If anyone else comes a calling for the 15th, we will start switching people out. As it stands, here is our line up: Room Hosts:...
Hey, just to confirm... you guys are in on the room crawl. You just need to let us know which liquor you will bring (shine, Sherridans, both) and...
Just to clarify, Zurc will still be part of the crawl... our suggestion is that he won't have to host in his room. He'd basically get a "free...
Hey guys, since we have gone up to 18 people on the 18th room crawl while still keeping it to 7 rooms, would anyone be opposed to doing the same...
Thanks for throwing the idea out there, but the reason we did not put this out as an option is threefold: - Q has done room crawls before; and...
Hey blondie, The room crawl on July 18th is pretty packed at the moment... but please keep an eye on the July 18th thread:...
Well, if we break it into groups of 12-14, at least 4 people from the current group will have to be split off into the new group. To keep it fair,...
Please Respond All, We have a decision to make! In the past few days, we have gotten quite a bit of interest in joining the room crawl - some...
Updated below!
Just sent you guys a PM with details.
Hey, we see you guys will be there on the 17th... be sure to swing by and say 'Hi' when you get there!
15 days??? You guys are optimistic! We give it 1 or 2 before we're checked out.
Are our eyes playing tricks on us, or is the fact that it is now JULY just putting everything we see in a TTR frame of mind? [IMG] We see a...
Yes... Sharing IS Caring! [IMG] :whisper: And foursomes are a lot easier to achieve at TTR!
You guys should definitely sign up for the Boobs Cruise... there will be ample opportunity to watch and be watched. Other than that, make friends...
When you see us, be sure to let us know you are 'mjem2016' from CCC. We will likely not recognize the two of you from your profile pic......
Quick update to the crawl details: Becksntood - shot: Test Tube Shooters / game: "Have You Ever" Daynish - shot: ??? / game: "Jenna Jameson"...
Those doing themes on the 18th are doing so voluntarily. There's no requirement to decorate.