Okay er'body... There are have a couple of small changes to the theme nights: Instead of "Studio 69" we will be doing "Sexy Emergency / Military",...
UGH!!! Still 79 days away!!!
If you’re going to the same time we are, we’ve changed up some of the theme nights! Feel free to participate or stick with TTR’s theme night!...
Dates: July 7th - 14th Jason & Bob ️ (Nakify July Group) Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? NOPE!
We just change it up and come up with our own theme nights!
ARE WE THERE YET!!! July 6th can’t cum quick enough!!! #ThatsWhatHeSaid
We have a great fun group that goes the beginning of July
That is one of the day time themes, not for the Bash party.
The hubby and I will see you there!!! Same dates as us and with a HUGE fun crowd!!!
July 2023 Theme Changes
Jason & Bob Dates: July 6 - 13 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? No
You guys will have a blast!!! Our big group of people usually go a little after the 4th of July (like around the 6th-ish). Just a heads up, I...
Yeah...I even jumped on Orbitz and plugged in July 12th-19th and wasn't seeing any tower rooms either. There was one year tho, that we went to...
Hmmmm....not quite sure. I know there's a Facebook group called "July Thunder 1st-21st" and "Nakify July" but it's NOT takeover by any means. We...
Don’t know if this one was started or not yet!