So this guy comes home to find a man in bed with his wife. So he calmly takes the naked stranger out to his garage. He puts the guys penis in...
Hey Steve, April 9th to 23 for us. Thx
Hey. Thanks for the comments on our bike. Just had a peek at yours, looks good too. Went for a ride Christmas Day which doesn't happen here...
We will be there April 9th to 23rd. See you there. Steve and Leslie
Hey Glenn & Monique. Check out Westjet for your flights and Larry through the TTR FB page for the room. We have always done the package thing...'s official. Just booked 2 weeks. We'll be back April 9 to 23. Can't wait!!
Passports - check, $$$ - check, sexy evening wear (Leslie) - check, Beads - check, glow stuff - check, proof of payment for Apr 16 Booze Cruise -...
Pilsner - that explains a lot. Probably still trying to figure out how to get 13 bottles in a case - so all the players on the field get one.
Okay, so only 6 more days of work til TTR. Going to work isn't that bad but that 8 hour wait to go home is a bitch...especially since they won't...
13 sleeps for us too. Started packing on the weekend. Getting tired of this weather...need sun...and fun...and drinks...and
Our experience last year when we went on the booze cruise through the resort was that they quoted us in USD but when I pd for it by credit card...