Tipping in local currency is always better. Avoids the staff/workers to pay for currency exchange. We order some pesos from a bank a few...
Lucky you, only 84 days! We have 113 to go! I’m thinking about making a few videos myself when we are there... especially on the resort layout,...
There’s a lot of very good photographers in Cancun and the Riviera Maya. Most hotels also offer access to in-house photographers and most often...
Well if they don’t mind playing the bartender once in a while... hahaha... Sure no one would complain of a balcony show either...!
My best bet is trying to get one close enough to the quiet pool bar so I can jump over the balcony wall to get some drinks :)
Nice! Was it quiet? Some say it’s noisy close to the restaurant...
It seems that this information is not readily available since the reno. I’ve been following a couple of threads as we are booked in a Plush...
Hey we’re from Moncton and will be there February 28-March 7! Hope to see you there!
Hey! We’re from Canada too and this coming March (February 28 to March 7) will be our first trip to TTR but not our first in Mexico at this time...
We will be there the exact same dates, where are you traveling from?
We will be there February 28 to March 7th.
Let’s keep in touch and meet during our time there :)
Cool! Will you guys be there this coming March?
That’s very helpful! Thanks a lot! :)
Do you recall which room number you had? And what room number would you recommend?
First trip booked: February 28 to March 7th 2019
We should mandate a member currently at the resort to use the map posted by Donna & Tim and adjust it with the new numbers :)
This is exactly what I would like to see to make sure we request a correct room number! The new map is not clear at all!