Yeah Dont wear the good Sunglasses in the Sexy pool I think the chemicals in that water would wreck them. Cheapos though....Hahahaha nothing...
Well Said Sir.
What was it? Arthritis and that sounds awesome!!!
Agreed. May is taking way too long to get here.
We will be there May 8-16 this year.
WE will be there May 8-16
Captain Morgan is always good for shots. Either the Regular or the Black.
Bama Crew, Hmm Im from Bama, What are your dates? We are May 8-16.
I have to say this OUTSTANDING!!!! Job dealing with this situation. For others thinking or reading this remember the most important thing when in...
Not Classic Rock but makes me think of the Boobs Cruise. [ame="[media]"][media]
Yeah I am doing it that way this year :-)
HAHAHA Funny Story about last year I had blood-work done the day after getting back. Well needless to say this was not the best plan, My doc...
Man I'm getting excited. Needs to hurry up I am through with work and these classes I am taking.