I understand the feelings there Lexi. Hmm Wait list I will have to check into that as well. I just couldn't get the page to load until it sold out.
WOW!!. I missed that. couldn't even access the purchase page at 1:00 lol
May 8-16 and will be there everyday not on a boobs cruise likely. I am not the best player but love to have some fun.
Its sooo hard to put a theme to a Boobs cruise lol because hell everyone ends up nearly naked or naked anyway lol. Super hero could be fun though...
Amazing awesome work yall. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Albert here Ok a little advice. I have never in my life had a tan I burn and that's it. so I will go over a few tips that made last trip...
Hahaha booked for Jen and I just gotta get the one on the 12th booked now [emoji12][emoji12][emoji12][emoji41] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
31 more days.........This is taking waaaaaay too long but gives me a little while longer to drop a few extra lbs.
WOW That is a seriously long running thread!!!!!
Hey all, I know i cant be the only one working my butt off too look better this time at TTR. Why don't we all share some stories and tips....
Mr. Mayor, Add Myself and Jen for the 12th, and maybe the 9th as well (gotta check if she is up for 2)
39 days to go, I have started pre-burning with the tanning beds at my gym. The time cant pass fast enough. Going to go ahead and book our USA...
Lexi our whole household is battling them now as well...... the cough should be gone just about in time for the trip.
Don't feel bad Carole, Jen is the same way can't wear heels. She does try every now and again though anyway lol.
Welcome guys we are coming in on the same dates just leaving a day later. Look forward to seeing yall there.
Wow I just saw this been laid up sick a few days, Great job guys.
Haha not sure anyone wants to see me in a thong but what the hell its temptations, I may participate.
Imagine MTV Spring Break.....Then Imagine you are there with Adults and Nudity is allowed. No Mix in copious amounts of alcohol, games and music,...
don't forget to check Cheaptickets.com They are not always the best price but they were for us this time. bookit.com was best last time around.