Had a blast meeting you man have a safe trip home.
Had a blast meeting you guys excellent report. Could not have said it better.
On the way to the airport see you all this afternoon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
ok one more wakeup....I can make it through today.... Side note anyone landing at 1530 out of Atlanta tomorrow that needs a lift, got an extra...
Yeah thats a little Harsh might wanna mention that to management. I understand they have a job to do but if she had on a shirt....She was covered...
Avoiding Lawsuit or not good to see a manager take responsibility for the actions of his employee and try to make it right. I wish people like...
I cant wait 3 more days and a wake up not counting today today is done already!!!!. I am hoping i can remeber everyones names there lol anyone...
I understand the sentiment here. I will be useless all week next week till i get there,
This is mine :-) [IMG] Jens: [IMG]
Leaning towards doing this cruise too but waiting to see how the patch works for Jen's motion sickness.
My Shirt will be here Monday and got my hat and Jen's hat lol.
It really gave us a place where we could honestly just cut loose. We have both have jobs that rely on public image a great deal and as such we are...
Need 4 to drop here lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Just bought this on sale at Target based on your thoughts.!!!! Thanks.
My Shirt is Ordered! Not Sure what Jen is gonna wear though........ :flash:
You looked Stunning dear. Jen would got after someone for talking shit about nyou wearing that. I mean wow. This is Temptaion where you can push...
If anyone attempts to shame a slut in my presence they may get pantsed and then referred to a Disney resort in Orlando!!! You know because they...
Our first full day too it doesn't get any better.
Filling up but no quite full yet.
Steve if possible could you throw Jen and I on the wait-list just in case a couple spots open up on the day of the trip, Thanks, Al