Question? Express check in? Can someone help out?
I think there is some built in Drama... Too keep the show going
25 more days for us! It can't come soon enough!
I'm gonna have to watch where I walk more often !
Thanks for the nice commet
Thanks for pic commet !
We are in !
We got our 4/18 cruise booked ! :wave: :wave:
Troy & DeeDee 2 Letthepartybegin
⛄️⛄️⛄️ Burrr! This weather is for the birds! We can't wait for south of the Border! ☀️☀️☀️ April 16-20th for us!
We will be there 4/16-20th ! Any singles Guys or Gals welcome to stop by and have a drink and or more ! We are a couple ! Who is planning on...
It will be our first but not last time on the cruise! Hurry up April !
Thanks for your very nice comment on my photo!
Everybody has to be a newbie for awhile!