That was pretty funny.
Good Luck and a speedy recovery!
I you pay attention on the way to the resort you pass a couple of high schools that play 'merican football. Our shuttle driver's nephew plays...
Lets make that 8 places left--deposit paid!!!! Is it vacation time yet?
Thanks for the friend request!
We're in!! Deposits coming shortly!!
He must mean 27/day,, he's kind of a light weight but don't tell him I said so. He'll feel like he has to compete with me while we are there.
Hey thanks for the friend request-looking forward to meeting you at TTR
Thanks for the friend request- looking forward to meeting you and sharing a drink or 27
We're down for dates 10-28 thru 11-1. We dont care if it's halloween, christmas, ramadan, or whatever.
LMAO ,,, unique is an understatement. Will definitely be interesting. Awww shit!
We'll be there October 27-November 2! We have a, umm, unique history so watch us close! Joyce and Alan
Hello everyone. I will be visiting TTR soon for the first time and it's a crazy story. I haven't spoken to or seen my ex-husband in 20yrs and he...