161 days....woohoo!!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
Hey Josh - the first part of September and Labor Day weekend will be busy. My first trip there was at that time. It was awesome!!! Honestly, I...
Is it time to party yet??? I'm tired of this snow in Iowa and I'm ready for it to go away until next winter. And I'm really ready to be in the...
Single here - but I don't get to visit TTR until August 28th. It's going to be a long 163 days from now before I get to arrive there. See some...
It will be great to see you guys! Please leave that sour crap at home!! YUCK!!!
Are you wanting to make sure you bring your lingrie?? Typically they tend to stay the same unless there is a large group that plans some other...
Trip 15...August 28 - September 4!! Can't wait!!
Just booked my trip!!! Woohoo.....August 28 - September 4! I can't wait to meet the Labor Day crew this year as its been awhile since I've been...
Heading to TTR the same time as you!! Can't wait to meet you!
So I'm very sad to say that I won't make it to Cancun in May this year, but I'll be there in August for my yearly trip. Bob's son graduates this...
No worries!! I'll be shopping for the both of us before the trip!! :mnm::mnm:Tell her to be prepared!!
I'll be there!!! I am requesting the DIVA room again. lol...and that I am close to Mike and Sue so that I can wake them up whenever I want to....
I wish it was!!! Geez....come on already!:headbanger:
Great to meet the two of you this past weekend!! Keep in touch!!:icon_smile:
Hey hey!! A special shout out to Bart and Annette for such a great weekend. I love getting together with old friends and making new ones at the...
Is it the weekend yet???? :huh:
Don't worry Bart - I already told her she was screwed because I'd just bring my own keys. LOL!!!! Can't wait for the fun to begin!!!!
Hey guys...what do I need to bring to this little party???
Is it May 2013 yet???? I need a vacation. :lotsofmichaelfs:
After thinking that I wasn’t going to be able to make my annual trip this year, the stars aligned and I was able to go. I arrived on Friday night...