Looking forward to meeting you in August!!! I will definitely be part of the boobs cruise. Love it!!!:flash::flash:
Wishing all my friends traveling to home away from home safe travels! Love and miss you all!!
Um...I'll take the glowy thingy!! Ok I'd take two of them!!! Woohoo!!!
Theme nights are one of my favorite parts of vacation! You've done a great job with the nights. I better start shopping!!:mnm:
Can we all leave already? Can't wait to see you guys!
What about little black dress night on August 28th????
. Hey Red - my friends and I arrive on August 28th, we'll have drinks ready for you when you get there. See you then!!
Really really really really really missing all of my friends right now. Wishing I was there with all of you. :cry::cry::cry:
Bummer!!!! :cry:
Just returned from a GREAT weekend in STL and I cannot wait to get back that way. It will be even better next time as I'll get to see the two of...
Woo hoo!!! August 28th to September 4th with 4 TTR virgins and 2 repeaters!! Can't wait to see all of you and break-in the newbies!!!...
This is hilarious! I can't wait to help someone find him when I get there. I've got a mini chick I'll bring along to add to the fun! Here chicky...
Hey Dave!! I'm just happy to make it to any baseball game. What girl doesn't like a man in those pants??!! Woo hoo!!!!:bowdown: I am SOOOO...
Welcome to the madness!!! :aktion030:
Hey you!! I'm headed to my first Cards game at the end of the month! Once I know where my seat is, I'll shoot ya a note and maybe I can find you...
Can I get a woot woot??? :musik026: We now have 7 coming in our group and working on more. 5 of them are TTR virgins!!! It's going to be a...
You may just see me! I'm planning to get a lot of travel in this fall. :huepfen021:
Looking forward to meeting you guys in September!
Haha!! Oh my, that was too much fun!!!!
If you bring the Harley, can I get a ride??? :huepfen013: